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Dr. Ally

Stress Free Party Planning

I love parties, throwing them, attending them, even just reading about them. But the whole process can get a little overwhelming, when you have guests from out of town, kids running all over the place, gifts to buy, and meals to make. How do we keep all of this holiday goodness?

Here are 5 ways to plan the most amazing holiday party without too much stress.

Don't over plan: for some of us planning is what gets us out of bed in the morning. Every moment of the day is scheduled and well thought out. But those of us that are a little less than organized may like this point. Allow for free time during your events. When things are overly planned it can leave your guests feeling rushed and you frantic. Trying to make sure that everyone is drinking the egg nog at exactly half past eight might make you feel in control but it can make your guests feel a little pressured. Allow for organic conversation while noshing on pastries to the jingle bell rock.

​​Use disposable plates: So, TJ Maxx HomeGoods is the best store ever erected. They have an amazing party planning section where you can grab table cloths, plates, napkins, even cute little forks. The ever green plate, pink plate, plastic ware and napkins came from HomeGoods. The golden ones are from

check it'll love it. They have beautiful disposable plates that your guests won't even know aren't real.​​

Potluck: With places like Wholefoods and Mother's it's almost impossible to bring something less than totally yummy to a party. So give your friends the benefit of the doubt and give yourself a break. This cuts down on prep time and clean up. Everyone takes their plates right back home. But it's hard to give away that much control for some of us more control focused people, so take a deep breath and make the list.

Cut Back: Libations are central to most if not all events. But this year keep it light. Things have been hard and we don't want to rely on liquid courage to get through to the new year. I"m not saying you have to go get a chip from the nearest AA but I'm saying, slow down.

Be Present: Don't get so wrapped up in the planning and hosting that you forget to talk to your guests and fully participate. To be present you have to hold back from thinking about the future and to avoid focusing on the past. Easy peasy, not really but practice makes permanent!

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